2023: Year of the Volunteer
By Donald S. Wood, Ph.D., President and CEO, Muscular Dystrophy Association | Friday, December 30, 2022
Leading the way as the #1 Voluntary Health Organization for over 70 years, at MDA volunteers are at the forefront of our legacy. Families are at the heart of our mission, and we couldn’t fulfill our mission without the volunteers who work tirelessly to support the neuromuscular disease community in so many ways. That is why we have proclaimed 2023 The Year of the Volunteer.
Volunteering takes many forms. It includes not only donating your time and talents to things like MDA summer camp and gala events, but also including philanthropy—the process of giving strategic gifts to help organizations like ours solve problems over the long term. And the generosity of our volunteers allows us, year after year, to continue to provide the research, care and programs that are empowering individuals living with a neuromuscular disease to live longer, more independent lives.
Our volunteers and donors tell us they also experience enormous rewards associated with taking the time to give back. Volunteering leads to new friendships and lasting relationships. It creates the opportunity for individuals to connect with one another and develop new skills and a new sense of purpose. And whether you are a volunteer or donor for MDA, you benefit by knowing that you are strengthening our mission and expanding the reach of our organization.
Did you know that volunteering is also healthy? Volunteering can improve your physical and emotional health and wellbeing through things like increased social interaction and physical activity — all things that lead to better health in the long run.
Within MDA, volunteering takes place at all levels of the organization. MDA’s board of directors is comprised of prominent business and community leaders who volunteer assistance and counsel to support our mission.
Throughout 2023 we look forward to recognizing the countless individuals who work tirelessly to support MDA. You are making a profound difference and have our sincere gratitude. Strength in unity. Strength in community.
“The sense of purpose and community our volunteers create has a lasting impact–not just for the those we serve, but for the volunteers themselves. Volunteers feel they are getting back more than they are giving when they donate their time and talents to MDA,” says Wendi Dressen, MDA’s Senior Director of Volunteer Services.
To sign up to volunteer with MDA visit: https://www.mda.org/get-involved/become-a-volunteer
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