Good Bad Things Virtual Premiere Event Watch. Donate. Feel.
By Mindy Henderson | Thursday, September 5, 2024
Movies have always been an escape, and a world of fantasy moviegoers can get lost in. However, movies also have an irrefutable impact on our culture. The music, the clothes, the storylines, and the trends we see on the big screen often translate into shaping how people view the real world around them and what is “acceptable” or “normal.”
As time has gone by, Hollywood has opened its doors and welcomed a much broader variety of people and stories. But one category remains dramatically absent from the big screen. Disability. Or, more accurately – authentic disability.

Good Bad Things (2024)
There are very few stories that have made it to the big screen that tell stories of individuals with disabilities… or where a character in the film happens to have a disability. And too often, when one of those stories IS told, a non-disabled actor may be hired to play the part. Even today, in 2024, there are painfully few writers with disabilities writing for the big screen, there are too few movie directors and producers with disabilities, too few costume designers with disabilities, too few movie editors with disabilities… you see where I am going with this.
It’s not because those individuals don’t exist. There are incredibly talented actors and other professionals living with disabilities, who don’t receive opportunities because disability remains the most underrepresented and misunderstood minority in the country.
But I have good news! There is a film on everyone’s lips that is going to change all of that. Good Bad Things, cowritten by Danny Kurtzman and Shane Stanger, starring Danny Kurtzman, and executive produced by Steve Way, is a first of its kind – because Danny Kurtzman and Steve Way live with neuromuscular disease.
And it has quickly become one of my personal favorite movies.
Good Bad Things has been making the film festival circuit, winning awards, had a successful run at AMC theaters across the country and now, we have one more exciting opportunity for you to see this incredible film in the comfort of your own home.
The incredible makers of this film are offering a special virtual screening Friday, September 20 through Sunday, September 22 to help celebrate Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month this month. You can watch or host a virtual screening of the groundbreaking new film Good Bad Things.
Tickets are available for $19.99 and for every ticket purchased, 25% of ticket sales will be donated back to the Muscular Dystrophy Association using this link!
I recently had the opportunity to catch up with Danny and Steve. Check out my Q&A with them below:
Steve Way:

Steve Way, Executive Producer of Good Bad Things, and Mindy Henderson
Q: What should people expect from this streaming event? How is it different than just watching the movie on a streaming service?
A: People should expect a full interactive event. They won’t get only a movie, but interviews, Q&A’s, and a stand-up comedy set. People will get to know the entire team behind the movie.
Q: Why was this project important to you to get involved in as an executive producer?
A: As soon as I watched GBT I knew it had so much potential. My immediate goal was to get the opportunity for the entire world to see it. I can soon say proudly that this goal was achieved.
Q: Who should watch this movie, and why? Who is the audience?
A: Literally everyone should watch GBT. It’s themes of love and self-sabotage are so universally felt and experienced. The audience is anyone with a pulse.
Q: Why was it important to you to donate a portion of the proceeds from this streaming event to the Muscular Dystrophy Association?
A: MDA has done so much for me throughout my entire life. They’ve sent me to summer camp, given my parents valuable resources, and offered MDA clinic doctors at no cost. Now that I’m able to, I want to pay that forward to other families and individuals.
Q: So far, this movie has been seen at the premiere, and in 50 AMC theaters throughout the country. What has been your favorite comment or response to the movie so far?
A: Besides the laughs, tears, and being with people so special to me, it’s definitely the guy who wanted to see a CGI’d Thom Yorke play Danny.
Danny Kurtzman:

Mindy Henderson with Danny Kurtzman (Star and co-writer) and Shane Stanger (Director and co-writer) at Good Bad Things movie premiere
Q: How would you describe the movie to someone who hasn’t seen it yet?
A: What’s so wild is I don’t think anyone has asked me this before about the movie. It’s a modern-day love story. It’s a movie that gives you all the right feels. It’s a movie that stays with you in the best ways. I don’t want to give much away but I promise you it’s 96mins that you’ll want to do all over again once it’s done. Enjoy!
Q: Is there anything, do you think, that the audience so far has been surprised by with this movie experience?
A: Honestly, I think we’ve all been surprised by the audience more than they have of us and our movie. Seriously, everyone’s unique and special reaction to how this film has impacted them has just been so special and we could not be more grateful. And yes, very surprised.
Q: I don’t want to give any spoilers, but your birthday suit is something of a main character in this film. Not only that, but this is your first acting gig in movies. Was it hard to put yourself out there in that way?
A: I’m very comfortable with my body. I wasn’t always. Took something very similar that happens in the film (spoiler alert) for me to realize that I am sexy. And perfect. And we all are.
Q: Support from influencers in the disability community has been huge for this movie! For example, Shane and Hannah Burcaw have signed on to do a Q and A session in conjunction with the streaming event. Why do you think this movie has captured so much, and such high profile attention?
A: We have been very honored to have so tremendous support for individuals in the disabled community that I’ve looked up to for many years. I think it’s a little that I’m lucky to be a part of such an amazing genuine team of individuals and the other part is our movie is good. It sounds crazy but it’s not that complicated. We just have been sending disabled people that inspire us our film and they love it and want to support in any way they can. It’s pretty awesome.”
Q: So far, this movie has been seen at the premiere, and in 50 AMC theaters throughout the country. What has been your favorite comment or response to the movie so far?
A: There were so many. The one that does stand out the most to me though happened days after the AMC screening. I was on Instagram and a disabled influencer tagged me in her post. She had heard about our film through Shane and Hannah and wrote these amazing posts that go on and tells the story of her and her husband. A story that very much resembled Danny’s love story in the film. And that gave me all the feels.
Purchase Your Virtual Ticket Here
- Friday, September 20th, 6pm PST: GOOD BAD THINGS livestreams on VEEPS here, with a live Q&A following featuring Hannah and Shane Burcaw.
- Friday, September 20th, 6pm – Sunday, September 22nd, 11:59pm GOOD BAD THINGS available to rent on VEEPS here (72 hours to watch after rental). All weekend there will be Q&As, Panels, and other included events.
Disclaimer: This film is not yet rated and is intended for mature audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. It is recommended for viewers aged 13 and older.
Supporting this film is supporting the future of disabled representation in Hollywood. Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of this journey with us.
Next Steps and Useful Resources
- Purchase Your Virtual Ticket Here
- Friday, September 20th, 6pm PST: GOOD BAD THINGS livestreams on VEEPS here, with a live Q&A following featuring Hannah and Shane Burcaw.
- Friday, September 20th, 6pm – Sunday, September 22nd, 11:59pm GOOD BAD THINGS available to rent on VEEPS here (72 hours to watch after rental). All weekend there will be Q&As, Panels, and other included events.
- Watch the Trailer
TAGS: Community, Good Bad Things, Mental Health, Relationships, Young Adults
TYPE: Blog Post
Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.