In Case You Missed It…
By MDA Staff | Monday, July 8, 2024
Quest Media is an innovative adaptive lifestyle platform from MDA. With the power of this platform, we foster awareness and empowerment and have important conversations with experts, thought leaders, and members of the neuromuscular disease community about topics that matter to them and to the larger community of individuals with disabilities.
With so many valuable podcasts, blog articles, and magazine articles available to our audience, chances are that you may have missed one or two pieces of interesting content. Check out the summaries and links below.
In case you missed it… Quest Blogs:
Find Accessible Beaches for Summer Fun
In the summer, many of us long for a beach vacation. But for people with disabilities — especially those who use wheelchairs — those stretches of sand may seem like another inaccessible vacation destination. Fortunately, resorts and public beaches are getting the message that people with disabilities want to travel, and there is a demand for accessible beaches. More places now offer accommodations to help people with disabilities enjoy the sun, sand, and water. Read more.
Celebrating Recent Significant Milestones in Disability Rights
Over the past few months, we’ve witnessed two significant milestones in the history of disability rights law. These updates are not just historical events, but they also hold immense importance in shaping the future of disability rights law. Read more.
In case you missed it… Quest Podcast:
Episode 42: Empowering Individuality with Inclusive Style
In this Quest Podcast episode, we chat with the Executive Director of Open Style Lab (OSL), a non-profit organization that is on a mission to make style accessible for everyone, regardless of cognitive and physical abilities. Yasmin Keats has devoted her career to the core functions of research, education, and informing the public about inclusive design. She shares how style empowers people, bringing them joy, identity, and self-expression, and inclusion is at the heart of her work. She joins us to share her experiences, expertise, and advice. Listen here.
In case you missed it…Quest Magazine Feature Article:
Can Neuromuscular Disease Affect Your Bones?
If you’re concerned about your bone health, read on for the three main factors that contribute to low bone density and osteoporosis for people with neuromuscular diseases, and what to do to protect your bones.. Read more.
TAGS: Advocacy Updates, Community, In Case You Missed It, Travel
TYPE: Blog Post
Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.