Clinical Research Alert: Study of Auto Injector Device for People with SMA
By Sujatha Gurunathan | Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Researchers at Interface Analysis Associates (IIA) (on behalf of Biohaven) are seeking individuals living with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) to participate in a study to assess the experience of using an investigational auto injector device. The device is being evaluated for possible future use in self-administration of medication for people with SMA.
This study requires participants to follow written instructions to inject an auto injector device into an injection pad. No investigational drug will be used, and participants will not be injecting themselves or others. Following use of the device, participants will be asked to answer questions regarding their experience using the auto injector. Study participation will require one visit, with a duration of less than one hour.
To be eligible, individuals must meet the following inclusion criteria:
- 18–21-year-old males and females living with SMA who are able to inject into an injector pad
Eligible individuals will receive $200 for participation, and the study team will travel to facilitate participation.
To learn more about the study or inquire about participation, contact the study coordinators by email: iaaresearch@gmail.com; susan.durham@biohavenpharma.com; jackie.marin@biohavenpharma.com or call Gabby at 408-780-1761.
Next Steps and Useful Resources
- To learn more about the study or inquire about participation, contact the study coordinators by email: iaaresearch@gmail.com; susan.durham@biohavenpharma.com; jackie.marin@biohavenpharma.com or call Gabby at 408-780-1761.
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