In Case You Missed It…
By MDA Staff | Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Quest Media is an innovative adaptive lifestyle platform from MDA. With the power of this platform, we foster awareness and empowerment and have important conversations with experts, thought leaders, and members of the neuromuscular disease community about topics that matter to them and to the larger community of individuals with disabilities.
With so many valuable podcasts, blog articles, and magazine articles available to our audience, chances are that you may have missed one or two pieces of interesting content. Check out the summaries and links below.
In case you missed it… Quest Blogs:
How to Cope When Your Child is Diagnosed
Receiving your child’s diagnosis of muscular dystrophy or any other neuromuscular disease can evoke a host of emotions. Finding the right support and resources to help you cope with your feelings is the key to taking care of yourself so you can care for your child. Read more.
Advancements in Accessible Air Travel: A Recap of Recent Developments
As the MDA Advocacy Team continues their work to support accessible air travel, we have two exciting efforts to share. If both efforts become a reality, it will result in the most transformative improvements to air travel in several decades, and the Advocacy Team will need your voices to ensure that happens! Read on for the latest Washington news related to air travel and how you can get involved. Read more.
In case you missed it… Quest Podcast:
Episode 40: Unlocking Access and Inspiring Action with Sophie Morgan
In this Quest Podcast episode, we chat with world-renowned advocate, entrepreneur, TV personality and producer, Sophie Morgan. She devotes her time and expertise to create inclusive spaces for those with disabilities and deliver advice, inspire action, and make us feel closer together while sharing stories of resilience and positivity. Sophie is a co-founder of Making Space Media, a production company that focuses on increasing representation in TV and film, and a leader in the global disability rights campaign “Rights on Flights”. She joins us to share her experiences, expertise, and advice. Listen here.
In case you missed it…Quest Magazine Issue 2, 2023:
Tips for Adults with Disabilities Who Want to Live on Their Own
More Americans with physical disabilities are living on their own, working or volunteering, starting families, and leading full lives. Here’s how some of them are using community resources and self-advocacy to make it happen. Read more.
Next Steps and Useful Resources
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TAGS: Accessible Air Travel, In Case You Missed It, Parenting, Quest Podcast, Transitions
TYPE: Blog Post
Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.