MDA National Ambassador Blog-Letters from Leah: Hello 2024
By Leah Z. | Friday, January 12, 2024
5 Second Summary
MDA Ambassadors play an essential role in furthering MDA’s mission while representing and empowering the neuromuscular disease community. Quest Ambassador Guest Blog series provides a platform to share their personal stories, perspectives, and experience.

MDA National Ambassador Leah Z.
Hello friends,
As we say goodbye to 2023, we welcome a New Year. I am so excited to see what 2024 has in store! I hope everyone had a very happy holiday and a wonderful new year’s celebration. I am so grateful that I was given a second year as National MDA Ambassador. I learned so much last year and enjoyed every moment I had. For my second year as National Ambassador, I plan on reaching out to the neuromuscular disease community and their families even further. I think it is so important to continue to create relationships and get to know one another in order to accomplish the goals that we have as a community. It encourages my heart every time I meet with MDA families and hear their stories. Sharing one’s story is so imperative because the more we share, the more it helps bring change in the world for people living with muscular dystrophy and other disabilities.
2023 has taught me the true importance of connection and how it is important to spend quality time with each other. Life is too short to be apart from each other. There is nothing more beautiful than the close bonds we create with our family and friends. It is sharing special moments with one another that creates unforgettable and impactful memories. This is why my special goal for 2024 as your National Ambassador is to form even stronger bonds with others, in order to create more of a team aspect in pursuing my goals. Teamwork makes the dream work; and when you have a team of people who have the same goals and dreams then anything is possible together. Together we can make big things happen! For 2024, I challenge all of us to seek to continue to build more meaningful relationships with others, and to continue to nurture the ones already established. Go the extra mile to help one another! Use this year to make decisions that are healthy and good not only for you, but for the ones who are around you as well.
As I end my letter, I am really excited to be able to work alongside the newest MDA National Ambassador Ira Walker!! Congratulations Ira, and welcome to the family. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things that you are going to accomplish. I am so excited for you. Enjoy every moment and all of the great opportunities that are coming your way. Cheering you on!
I hope everyone has a wonderful 2024, filled with much love, peace, happiness, and health.
Love, Leah
Next Steps and Useful Resources
- Read more about your 2024 National Ambassadors, Leah and Ira, here.
- Stay up-to-date on Quest content! Subscribe to Quest Magazine and Newsletter.
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