In Case You Missed It
By MDA Staff | Monday, January 8, 2024
Quest Media is an innovative adaptive lifestyle platform from MDA. With the power of this platform, we foster awareness and empowerment and have important conversations with experts, thought leaders, and members of the neuromuscular disease community about topics that matter to them and to the larger community of individuals with disabilities.
With so many valuable podcasts, blog articles, and magazine articles available to our audience, chances are that you may have missed one or two pieces of interesting content. Check out the summaries and links below.
In case you missed it… Quest Blogs:
MDA Advocacy Update: Latest News on Federal Benefit Programs
The MDA Advocacy Team provides a recap of some of the most significant developments and expected changes with federal financial benefit programs in 2023. Read on for the most up-to-date analysis of what these changes will mean for you in terms of new developments with ABLE accounts, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and more. Read more.
What’s the Difference Between Clinical and Genetic Diagnosis?
For muscular dystrophy and other rare neuromuscular diseases, the way you are diagnosed matters. While a clinical diagnosis can help doctors treat your symptoms, a genetic diagnosis is considered the most accurate way to characterize a specific disease and pinpoint a genetic cause. A genetic diagnosis may be required to receive new therapies and participate in clinical trials, and it may allow doctors to predict if the heart or other organs will be affected. Read more.
In case you missed it… Quest Podcast:
Episode 36: Wrapping up 2023 with Leah and Amy
In this Quest Podcast episode, we chat with Muscular Dystrophy Association’s National Ambassadors, Leah Z., and Amy Shinneman. Amy feels that connecting and sharing her story with others through MDA has been life changing. Leah is a dedicated advocate that feels it is important to advocate for yourself and stand up for those that are not able. These ladies join us to share their experiences, expertise, and advice. Listen here.
In case you missed it…Quest Magazine:
Inclusive Companies: 3 Trailblazers That Prioritize Accessible Products
Companies are getting wise to the fact that 1 in 4 US adults lives with a disability. They are finally realizing that increasing inclusivity makes sense from ethical and business standpoints. Many are answering the call for products and features that more people can use and enjoy. To celebrate this progress, we are spotlighting three companies leading the way in disability accessibility and inclusion. Read more.
Next Steps and Useful Resources
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TAGS: Advocacy Updates, Ambassadors, Amy, Community, Leah
TYPE: Blog Post
Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.