A young man in a power wheelchair uses an accessible video game controller to play games on a monitor screen

Overjoyed About Inclusion’s Accessible Controller is Taking Video Gaming to the Next Level

A young man in a white button down shirt smiles while seated in a power wheelchair

Anthony DeVergillo

Anthony DeVergillo is passionate about video games – and inclusion. The 31-year-old from Bedminster, NJ, brought that passion to the creation of Overjoyed About Inclusion, a platform that offers accessible connection to the neuromuscular disease community through video games, music, cooking, and more. As someone living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Anthony’s own experience having difficulty with standard video game controllers inspired him to co-create a game-changing accessible controller that was recently launched on the Overjoyed About Inclusion platform.

“I had trouble playing games for years while using a regular commercial controller. In my late 20s, I had a lot more difficulty and couldn’t keep my hands on the controller or push the buttons independently. I had to ask for help a lot or have my arm propped in the perfect position – or wasn’t able to play at all. It really reduced the number of games that I was able to play,” Anthony says. “I was interviewed by a YouTube gaming channel about my issues with accessibility. The comment section filled up with thousands and thousands of comments from other people that were having the exact same problem. So, I thought, instead of waiting for developers to solve this issue, maybe I will make my own controller.”

A controller for everyone

Anthony was a board member for a non-profit called Our Odyssey in 2020 when he began developing ideas for an accessible controller. Our Odyssey connects individuals living with rare diseases, hosting virtual social meetups and community gatherings. Anthony partnered with Our Odyssey to create the Overjoyed About Inclusion platform. The platform would prove to be the perfect place to launch an accessible controller that the community can easily access.

Screen view of the online Overjoyed About Inclusion's accessible controller

The Overjoyed About Inclusion’s accessible video game controller interface

Working with co-developer Jonah Monaghan, Anthony pulled from his previous experience in website design and his personal experiences facing barriers while playing video games. The team developed an on-screen joystick that allows players to operate over 25 actions on their PC using a mouse, trackpad, eye-tracking hardware, or voice software. The Overjoyed controller removes barriers for gamers who have limited hand dexterity. The virtual joystick creates the ability for users to play video games on their PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or PlayStation that previously required the use of a standard controller or keyboard. The controller can be purchased for a one-time $5 fee, with all proceeds benefiting Our Odyssey.

Among the many friends that Anthony has made through gaming, he has had the benefit of witnessing the significant impact that Overjoyed has had on others in the community. For Parker Herman, a fellow gamer who lives with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 2, the accessible controller has removed limits and barriers.

“As an individual with a physical limitations, gaming has given me such a positive outlet, even if I was extremely limited to what I could play due to the limited controls,” Parker says. “Thanks to Overjoyed – I am free! I finally have the opportunity to really explore all types of games without being concerned if the controls will work for me or not.”

Screenshot of the Overjoyed About Inclusion accessible video game controller settings

Overjoyed About Inclusion’s accessible video game controller settings

The accessible controller not only opens the door to playing more video games, but also increases inclusion in video game communities. Video game communities create a space where players can virtually come together and socialize, build friendships, and share interests. “I think a lot of people out there might know about gaming communities, but they don’t join because they don’t have the ability to play the games,” Anthony says. “But now, with Overjoyed, I think it really opens the door for communities like MDA’s Let’s Play and Our Odyssey. This is a big, new change in the way that we play games, and it has really opened the door to a lot of people so that they can play – but also so that they can connect with others.”

Anthony is an active player and streamer in the MDA Let’s Play community, an online platform hosted on Discord where members of the NMD community, friends, and families gather to play games together and socialize. For Anthony, and many others, the MDA Let’s Play community increases social inclusion and provides an outlet of connection for young and old alike.

Increasing inclusion through online communities

Created in 2020, MDA Let’s Play is an inclusive, safe, and social platform that provides space for the community to come together every Friday night for game nights and to connect through chats and activities throughout the week. The platform hosts a variety of live streaming events, including an annual talent show. Over the years, it has evolved into an online gathering place to share experiences, interests, jokes, challenges, and more. Providing afternoon activities, hosted streams, art classes, watch-alongs, and a variety of channels for connection, MDA Let’s Play is about much more than video games. And for many, access to a social outlet from the comfort of home provides meaningful connections that combat isolation and exclusion.

A young man with long blonde hair sits in front of a computer screen

MDA Let’s Play Program Manager, Kenny “Beaniez” Small

“I think that social inclusion is such an important topic because it is sort of a niche that virtual connection is now able to fill extremely well,” says Kenny “Beaniez” Small, a Program Manager for Let’s Play, “Previously, if you weren’t able to be part of everything that happened in person socially, you would become very isolated. And I think a lot of our community members have felt that before – feeling left out in tag or gym class or social situations, which creates a feeling of exclusion. This community, and in general the ability to foster online communities, incredibly minimizes that risk of exclusion. There is a high level of accessibility and a low level of entry, which drives socialization and becomes an avenue for connection.”

For Anthony, that avenue of connection has created an opportunity for growth and friendships. “I would say that I struggle with social isolation and can’t really leave the house, but there is a whole world of online communities out there,” he says. “I think some people who feel socially isolated can feel very alone in their journey – but you are not alone. We are all trying to find that community together.”

Kenny’s favorite thing about the MDA Let’s Play community is the culture of acceptance and inclusion. Everyone who joins is welcome and there is room for everyone – even if they have never played video games before. And now, with access to the Overjoyed controller, everyone who joins is able to play or learn to play without barriers.

Next Steps and Useful Resources

Next Steps:

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