Episode 27 – The Changing Landscape of Neuromuscular Care

As new treatments, cutting edge research, and a better understanding of genetic sequencing and mutations bring innovative change to the treatment landscape for neuromuscular disease, understanding your options and accessing care is more important than ever. We sit down with Dr. Matthew Harms, a neuromuscular neurologist and neurogenetics expert, to discuss what these changes mean to our community as he shares his advice, insights, and expertise on the changing landscape of neuromuscular care. 

Your Guests

Dr. Matthew Harms

Dr. Harms is a neuromuscular neurologist and neurogenetics expert focused on ALS and related motor neuron diseases.  Dr. Harms’ lab applies cutting-edge genetic sequencing technologies to discover new genes, define the frequency and range of genetic mutations in ALS, and characterize links between specific mutations and specific types or manifestations of ALS.  He is the Director of Precision Medicine Initiatives at Columbia University, Director of the Neurogenetics Program in the Department of Neurology, and Associate Director of the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig ALS Center.  Dr. Harms also serves as a Medical Advisor to the MDA.    

Host: Mindy Henderson

Mindy is the Senior Director & Editor-in-Chief of Quest Media, and the host of this podcast.  She was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, type 2 when she was 15 months old and has been a life-long partner to MDA.  Mindy is also a motivational speaker and a writer, and just published her first book, The Truth About Things That Suck.

Connect with Mindy: 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hendersonmindy/     

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindyhendersonspeaks/

Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. 

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