
MDA National Ambassador Blog-Letters From Leah: Learn to Accept Your Reality

5 Second Summary

MDA Ambassadors play an essential role in furthering MDA’s mission while representing and empowering the neuromuscular disease community. Quest Ambassador Guest Blog series provides a platform to share their personal stories, perspectives, and experience.

Summer has finally arrived! Schools are out, parks and beaches are in. The majority of us wear a more summer-appropriate style, while others feel the need to cover what makes them unique. It can be difficult for a person living with muscular dystrophy, especially if you wear long leg braces in humid conditions.

When I was younger I could not stand when summer came around. I felt the urge to cover up my braces. I believed by covering up I would get fewer stares and not have to deal with the rude comments. I thought hiding my disability would make my life easier, instead it made things worse. It got so bad to the point where I would cry myself to sleep and question why I was made this way. All I wanted was to be accepted for who I was. It took me a long time to become the person I am today and to face the reality of my life. The reason that I felt the need to become an MDA Ambassador was because of the trials I faced and because I didn’t want anyone to feel hatred towards themselves. Sadly, you cannot change the way others think or feel, but if I could just encourage people living with disabilities to be kind to themselves and others it would bring me joy.

The reality is that whether you are disabled or not, people are always going to have something to say. Life is not always about smiling and pretending that everything is okay. I think when you want to blend in so badly, you become delusional and go into denial. You start to feel changing your outward appearance can make people flock towards you and not judge you. But the truth is, our biggest bully in life is ourselves, not others. I learned that I cannot focus on what others think or say about me and that I need to just live my life. Being happy and healthy is more important than the opinions of people who do not even know you. Everyone is created differently for a reason and what makes someone special is not how they look, walk, or talk, it’s their personality that counts. Learning to do things for others and not to focusing so much on yourself is one way to find happiness. I am so grateful for the people who have encouraged me and have shown me to help others. When I started to blur my own judgments and the opinions of others, I felt renewed. My life changed when I became an Ambassador. My dream in life is to reach out to others and encourage the ones who felt alone.

Judgment is a powerful thing, but when we fight back and see all the individuals around us who care about us and others, we become strong. So, enjoy the summer of 2024, be kind to yourself, and live life to the fullest!

With love always.



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