
MDA National Ambassador Blog- Letters from Leah: Friendships

5 Second Summary

MDA Ambassadors play an essential role in furthering MDA’s mission while representing and empowering the neuromuscular disease community. Quest Ambassador Guest Blog series provides a platform to share their personal stories, perspectives, and experience.

Dear Friend,

Hello! I hope you are well. Throughout our lives, you and I have met, and will continue to meet, many people who come from different paths. Some become lifelong friends and others drift away.

Leah Z.

Leah Z.

People can either be a blessing or a lesson. At one point in time, everyone has grown apart from someone who they would have never thought of losing. I think most of us tend to blame ourselves for those friendships that have ended. Instead, I think that it is important that we honor the lessons of past friendships while we seek true and lasting friendship.

I have had my share of great and not-so-great friendships.

When I think of my closest good friends, I am immensely grateful for all the wonderful memories shared over the years. They have been a source of unwavering support during my times of need. I particularly reminisce on the numerous long cell phone conversations where we would share many laughs, secrets, cares, tiffs, and tears. I also think of the many fun trips to the movies, where we would snack on large tubs of popcorn. I love how we always came to a compromise on even the slightest of things, for instance, what to have for dinner (7 out of 10 times, it was pizza). We always had a great time together.

I also remember the negative experiences with unfriendly friends. The worst feeling in the world is feeling like an outsider with people you knew practically your entire life. I had certain friends who would only look for me when no one else was around or when they were bored. And it was painful. But I believe that bad experiences should be used as life lessons. Lessons on what to look for in others and also how not to treat others. I realized that I needed to start valuing myself a little more instead of trying to be popular. A person’s value should not be determined by the amount of friends he or she has. It is better to have a handful of really good friends, than a plethora of bad ones.

Lessons like this can show us the meaning of true friendship. So, what is true friendship? Or better yet, how can we obtain and keep good friendships? The best place to start is by being a true friend to yourself. Do you deeply love and value yourself? There is no way you can be a good friend to others if you are not being kind to yourself first.

Leah Z.

Leah Z.

Being friends with someone is an honor! It is a privilege to call someone a friend.  For the most part you cannot pick the members of your family (nor would I ever want to change mine.) However, you have been given the awesome gift of being able to pick your friends. This means you are invited into someone’s else’s life and them in yours, in order to better it. Even if days go by without a word, the bond of true friends always remains unbroken.  Always remember a true friend does not care if you are rich or poor, what you look like, what type of car you drive, or where you live. Friendship means understanding. It means forgiveness. It gives memories that last!

I am so thankful for the beautiful friends that I have been blessed with. They have shown me the true meaning of what friendship is. I am also thankful for the unfriendly friendships. I learned how not to treat people, to forgive, and to wish people the best.

If there are a few things you can take from this letter, one is to embrace the hard lessons of unkind friendships. Do not wish bad against people who have hurt you in the past. Be kind to yourself and love others. And appreciate the people you do have in your life who love you. You do not need many friends. All you need is a few great ones. Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest. It is about who came, stayed, and continues to be by your side.

Love Always Your Friend,


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