Quest Podcast

Quest podcast, proudly presented by the Muscular Dystrophy Association, brings thoughtful conversation to the neuromuscular disease community and beyond about issues affecting individuals living with disabilities and those who love them. Our mission is to bring about more awareness, to educate and inform, to demystify and inspire, to contribute to progress, and…at times…to entertain. Thank you for listening!

Mindy Henderson

Mindy Henderson

About Our Host

Mindy Henderson, Director of Quest Media and host of the Quest podcast, was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, type 2 when she was 15 months old. Mindy is also a motivational speaker and author, and just released her first book, The Truth About Things That Suck.

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Episode 13: Parenting

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. It is also one of the best, most rewarding, incredible things you can do. In…

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Episode 12: Love & Marriage

Today in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we are talking with two married couples about their dating and eventual marriage. Under most circumstances, dating and…

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Episode 11: Siblings Tell All

Having a sibling can be amazing. Siblings can be built-in playmates and best-friends, your partner in crime and a constant in an individual’s life. Siblings…

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Episode 10: Holiday Do-it-Yourself Gifts, Crafts & Recipes

Need a last-minute gift-giving idea? You’re in luck because in this episode, we are talking all about fun do-it-yourself crafts and gift-giving, recipes and more.…

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Episode 9: Combating the Stress of the Holidays

The holidays can be a fun, festive time of year. There are decorations, music, parties, food…but for many, the holidays can be an incredibly stressful…

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Episode 8: Access to the World: Accessibility in Commercial Architecture

This month, we continue our series on “Access to the World,” with a look at architecture. In this episode, Mindy speaks with Dominic Marinelli. Dominic…

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Episode 7: Access to the World: Accessibility in Our Homes

This month, we continue our series on “Access to the World,” with a look at architecture. In this episode, Mindy speaks with Paul Robertson who…

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Episode 6: Talent for Hire!

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month, so on this episode of Quest Podcast, we’re exploring the world of employment for individuals with disabilities. Despite a…

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Episode 5: Access to the World: Hotels

This next episode in our “Access to the World” series focuses on hotel accommodations for individuals with disabilities. accessibleGO is a travel website, specializing in…

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Episode 4: Access to the World: Air Travel

The second in our “Access to the World” series, this episode focuses on the unique challenges air travel presents to individuals who use wheelchairs. We…

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