
Read the latest news about issues affecting the neuromuscular disease community.

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World Muscle Society Roundup: Clinical Trial Results of Treatments in Development for DMD, XLMTM, SMA, and Pompe Disease

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Reata Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Results from Pivotal Study of Omaveloxolone in FA

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Capricor Therapeutics Announces Positive Interim Results from Phase 2 Study of CAP-1002 to Treat DMD

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MDA Grants Charles Thornton More Than $1 Million in New Funding to Continue Supporting the Myotonic Dystrophy Clinical Research Network

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Clinical Trial Alert: Amicus Therapeutics Seeks Participants for a Phase 3 Late-Onset Pompe Disease Study

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Clinical Trial Alert: Momenta Pharmaceuticals Seeks Participants for a Phase 2 Myasthenia Gravis Study

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Casey’s General Stores Round Up for MDA

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NS Pharma Submits New Drug Application to FDA for Viltolarsen to Treat DMD Amenable to Exon 53 Skipping

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MDA Awards Clinical Research Network Grant to CMT Researcher Michael Shy for Inherited Neuropathies Consortium

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In a Letter to the Duchenne Community, Santhera Announces Positive Results of Phase 2 Vamorolone Study, EMA’s Review of Puldysa to Treat Symptoms of DMD