
Featured Article | Personal Stories

Disability or Superpower

Mindy Henderson Our biggest challenges can be our greatest advantages

Tags: College, Education, Employment, From Where I Sit

Blog Post | Health, Science + Research

Research Study Alert: Survey on the Mental Health Experience of Parents and Guardians of Children With DMD

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh invite parents and guardians of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) to participate in a study that investigates whether they utilize mental health resources and…

Tags: Caregiving, Mental Health, Parenting, Research

Blog Post | Health, Lifestyle

Meditation and Neuromuscular Disease

Living with neuromuscular disease (NMD) involves specific challenges — some physical, some strategic, some structural — that can create stress and contribute to changes in both physical and mental health.…

Tags: MDA Q and A, Mental Health, Resources

Blog Post | Advocacy

MDA Advocacy’s 2020 Year in Review

There’s no doubt 2020 has been a challenging year, but the commitment and passion of our MDA advocates have truly been a bright spot. As we close out the year,…

Tags: Accessible Air Travel, Advocacy Updates, COVID-19, Newborn Screening, Travell

Featured Article | Science + Research

Clinical Trials During COVID 19

What you need to know about research during the pandemic

Tags: COVID-19, Clinical Trials, Resources, Web Exclusive

Blog Post | Advocacy, Health

What You Need to Know About Open Enrollment in 2020

Open enrollment — the period each year when people are eligible to purchase new insurance or make changes to their existing insurance plans — is upon us. Buying health insurance…

Tags: Healthcare, Insurance, Resources

Blog Post | Advocacy, Inclusion, Independence

Know Your Voting Rights on Election Day 2020

Elections are fundamental to a thriving democracy, and it’s vital everyone can exercise their right to vote, including those living with a disability. We know you may have questions about…

Tags: Resources

Blog Post | Health, Lifestyle

Who’s On Your MDA Care Center Team?: Dietitians and Nutritionists

At more than 150 MDA Care Centers nationwide, kids and adults living with neuromuscular disease (NMD) have access to multidisciplinary care teams made up of different specialists who can coordinate…

Tags: Healthcare, MDA Care Centers, Nutrition, Resources

Blog Post | Health, Independence

Who’s On Your MDA Care Center Team?: Young-Adult- and Adult-Focused Social Workers

At more than 150 MDA Care Centers nationwide, kids and adults living with neuromuscular disease (NMD) have access to multidisciplinary care teams made up of different specialists who can coordinate…

Tags: Healthcare, MDA Care Centers, Mental Health, Resources, Staying Active

Blog Post | Lifestyle, Personal Stories

Hacking COVID: MDA Staff Edition

In April, MDA fielded a survey to ask its community how COVID-19 was impacting their lives. We heard your responses — anxiety, questions, hope — and wanted to know more.…

Tags: COVID-19, Mental Health, Staying Active