
Blog Post | Science + Research

DMD Gene Therapy Approval Ignites Hope

The FDA’s approval of Elevidys, the first gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) brings hopes and concerns for families in the MDA community.

Tags: Drug Approval, Exon Skipping, Featured Content, Gene Therapy, Research

Blog Post | Health, Lifestyle

What You Need to Know About Feeding Tubes and Nutrition

When a neuromuscular disease impairs chewing and swallowing, consider a feeding tube for good nutrition.

Tags: Featured Content, Healthcare, Nutrition

Blog Post | Lifestyle

Summertime Travel Go-Anywhere Products and Tips

Packing for vacation when you live with a disability requires a little extra planning and preparation. Travel often demands additional considerations to provide easy access to essentials and ensure that…

Tags: Community, Travel

Blog Post | Advocacy, Finding a Diagnosis, Personal Stories

How One Family’s Myasthenia Gravis Journey is Helping Others

Charlotte and Elizabeth Madole. For many individuals living with a rare disease, the road to diagnosis can be extremely challenging, especially when it involves two co-existing diseases where two parts…

Tags: Community, Healthcare, MDA Care Centers, Parenting, Research

Blog Post | Health, Lifestyle, Personal Stories

MDA Ambassador Guest Blog: Taking Care of Our Mental Health

I feel like our mental health is something we don’t discuss enough. I want to share how Muscular Dystrophy has affected my mental health, because honestly speaking, there have been…

Tags: Ambassador Guest Blog, Ambassadors, Amy, Community, Healthcare, Mental Health

Featured Article | Independence, Lifestyle

Tips for Adults With Disabilities Who Want to Live on Their Own

Adults with disabilities who want to live independently are finding that community services and self-advocacy can help them get their own place.

Tags: Community, Featured Content, Finance, Resources, Transitions, Young Adults

Featured Article | Science + Research

How MDA Invests in Research Success

MDA-supported research at different stages of drug development is directly linked to life-changing therapies for neuromuscular diseases.

Tags: Antisense Oligonucleotide, Drug Development, Exon Skipping, Featured Content, Grants, Innovation, Research

Featured Article | Finding a Diagnosis, Health, Personal Stories

Learning to Manage the Grief of a Progressive Disease

It’s normal to feel grief after being diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease or losing physical function to a progressive disease. Here’s how to handle it.

Tags: Featured Content, Mental Health

Blog Post | Lifestyle, News, Personal Stories

In Case You Missed It…

Quest Media is an innovative adaptive lifestyle platform from MDA. With the power of this platform, we foster awareness and empowerment and have important conversations with experts, thought leaders, and…

Tags: Community, In Case You Missed It

Blog Post | Science + Research

The Value of Natural History Studies for Neuromuscular Disease

In order to prepare for drug development in the neuromuscular disease (NMD) field, some researchers are focusing on natural history studies to better understand these rare diseases. Natural history studies…

Tags: Clinical Trials, Drug Development, Innovation, Research, Research Advances, Resources