
Featured Article | Health, Lifestyle

Mental Health Is for Everyone

Erasing stigma and finding support for mental health

Tags: Featured Content, Mental Health, Relationships, Resources

Featured Article | Lifestyle

MDA Q A Let s Talk

The Resource Center answers readers’ questions

Tags: MDA Q and A, MDA Resource Center, Mental Health, Relationships

Featured Article | Health, Lifestyle

Embrace Your Body

Queen, who lives with Bethlem myopathy When it comes to body positivity, perspective matters. These advocates are changing how the world sees them — and how they view themselves, too

Tags: Featured Content, Mental Health, Resources

Blog Post | Independence, Lifestyle, Personal Stories

How Parents Can Help Kids Prepare for Adult Life

For 18 years, Linda VanVliet spent most of her non-working time taking care of her daughter, Shelby, who was diagnosed with congenital muscular dystrophy at 3 years old. (That diagnosis…

Tags: Parenting, Relationships, Resources, Summer Camp, Transitions

Blog Post | Health, Independence

Online Therapy and Support Groups Are Good for Your Mental Health

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, much of the healthcare system shifted from primarily face-to-face visits to a wider acceptance of telehealth, or virtual appointments using computers, tablets, or smartphones. Health…

Tags: Healthcare, Mental Health, National Connections Program, Relationships, Resources

Blog Post | Advocacy, Independence, Lifestyle, News

It’s Open Enrollment Season. Here’s what you need to know!

Open enrollment — the period each year when people are eligible to purchase new insurance or make changes to their existing insurance plans — is upon us. Buying health insurance…

Tags: Healthcare, Insurance, Resources

Blog Post | Independence, Lifestyle

Tips for Setting Up an Accessible Home Office

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in March 2020, Matthew Lawson’s employer — like many others around the country — temporarily closed its doors and had team members go remote to…

Tags: Employment

Featured Article | Health, Science + Research

Why You’re Not Addressing Vaccine Concerns (And What You Can Do About It)

Vaccines have been protecting Americans from dangerous contagious diseases for decades and people who live with neuromuscular disease are more likely to develop severe illness from a COVID-19 exposure. Learn…

Tags: COVID-19, Featured Content, Healthcare

Blog Post | Science + Research

Research Study Alert: Observational Study of Clinical and Electrophysiological Outcomes in Adults with CMT

Researchers at Ohio State University are seeking adults living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 (CMT-1) and type 2 (CMT-2) to participate in a one-month observational study (CMT Establish). This study is…

Tags: Clinical Trial Alert, Clinical Trials, Research

Featured Article | Advocacy, Independence, Lifestyle

Help Wanted

Finding accessible employment in the work-from-home era

Tags: Employment, Featured Content, Resources, Technology, Year of Independence