FDA Approves Radicava to Treat ALS
Today, on the first Friday of ALS Awareness Month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved edaravone (brand name Radicava), to treat ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Under development by…
Tags: Drug Approval
Risky Business: Nongenetic Factors May Increase Odds of Developing ALS
Everyone is born, and everyone dies. What happens in between — colds and flu, cardiac problems, cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) — is anyone’s guess. And people do guess. It’s common — indeed, almost…
Portable Lifts A Real Pick Me Up for Caregivers
Having a lift right where you need it can help caregivers and their loved ones avoid injury and feel more secure
When the Thinking Parts of the Brain Go Awry in ALS
John Shearer and his wife Brenda learned in November 2010 that he has ALS. The couple, who lives in Woodstock, Ga., were told the disease would cause gradual weakening of John’s…
Tags: Caregiving, Community, Education, Healthcare, Relationships
Front Middle or Rear Finding the Power Chair Drive System That s Right for You
Whether choosing your first power wheelchair or your next power wheelchair, picking the correct drive system for your needs is one of the first and most important decisions you’ll make.…
C9ORF72 Mutation Most Common Cause of Familial ALS, FTD, ALS-FTD
Two independent research teams have identified a mutation in the gene for chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9ORF72) as the most common cause found to date of familial ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis),frontotemporal dementia (FTD)…
National ALS Registry Now Open
After two years of laying the groundwork, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has opened its National ALS Registry to collect information from people living with ALS. Scientists…
ALS: Not Just About Motor Neurons Anymore
Motor neurons are lost in ALS, but new evidence shows they don’t die without significant help from their neighboring cells. These neighbors may be easier to target with therapies than…
To Cath or Not to Cath?
When ALS weakened Jane Cheng’s mother, her caregivers found it took a great deal of strength to help her transfer on and off the toilet. “I twisted my ankle a few times…
Tags: Caregiving, Healthcare, Resources
ALS Research Poison Dirt
“Toxic desert dust” may be why military personnel serving in the 1990-1991 Gulf War experienced abnormally high rates of ALS, new findings suggest.
Tags: Healthcare, Research