
Blog Post | Health, Personal Stories, Science + Research

Gulf War Vets More Likely to Get ALS

A government-supported research team announced in the Sept. 23 issue of the journal Neurology that having served in southwest Asia during the Gulf War significantly increases the risk of later…

Tags: Healthcare, Research

Blog Post | Health, Lifestyle, Personal Stories

Take Falls Seriously to Prevent Further Injuries

There was a period of time last year when Ira Anderson was “falling ridiculously all over the place.” Reluctantly, he agreed to get a cane and found one with an…

Tags: Education, Healthcare

Blog Post | Health, Personal Stories, Science + Research

Bats and Nuts Yield Environmental Clue to ALS on Guam

High rates of ALS on Guam may have been caused by the native people’s predilection for eating bats, according to a new theory. Two researchers proposed the theory based partly…

Tags: Healthcare, Research

Featured Article | Science + Research

Simply Stated: Oxidative Stress

Every day we’re bombarded with information about foods that contain “antioxidants” and supplements that block “free radicals.” But where do free radicals come from and why should we block them?…

Tags: Simply Stated